The Hallwyl Museum

Hallwyl Museum, Stockholm Museum Series, Sweden Vacation, Stockholm Vacation

The Hallwyl Museum, known as the Hallwylska Museet, is a hidden gem located in the heart of downtown Stockholm.  The museum is flanked by restaurants on either side and in the courtyard making it easy to miss when walking by.  If you know what to look for, though, it can easily be found in the entrance of the building, on the left, before entering the courtyard restaurant.

Porcelain Room at Hallwyl Museum, Hallwyl Museum
The huge collections of china and figurines showcase the Porcelain Room

Hallwyl Museum was originally private residence of the Hallwyl family built in the late 1800s.  According to their will, the home was donated Swedish state to become a museum upon their deaths.  When built, the home was considered state of the art technology with running water plumbing, heating, elevators, and telephones.  They spared no expense on construction and design, as they were considered one of the wealthiest families in Sweden at the time.

As you walk through the museum you will immediately see the incredible wealth of the family. There are marble walls, inlaid floors, oak paneled walls and ceilings, tapestries on walls, and painted ceilings throughout.  The Hallwyls were also collectors of many things. You can see this particularly in the Porcelain Room and the Armory.

This stately home, decorated in Baroque and Rocco styles, shows a bit of history of the wealthy upper class of the time and definitely worth the visit.  The museum is free to wander at your leisure with information cards available in each room. If you prefer, there are also guided tours available.  Check in at the gift shop within the museum entrance before you start your tour.

Next week’s Stockholm Museum Series will feature NationalMuseum. Read about other museums in our first article Stockholm Museums.