15 Essential Carry-Ons for Overseas Travel Adventures

Flights for overseas travel adventures are always several hours long. Whether you are in first class or coach the flight is going to be long and boring. The following list of essential carry-ons for overseas travel will help make the time go by while helping you feel more comfortable.
Essential Carry-Ons
- E-reader or a book is a must. An iPad is a better route to go because you can not only download books, but movies and music, as well. A paperback book or two will do the trick though. Either way, a good book or two will essentially take your mind off the flight for hours.
- With overseas travel it is essential you get sleep and a neck pillow is a must. There are plenty neck pillows out there, but if you pick a good one you can sleep for hours and not wake up with a kink in your neck.
- Along with that pillow and eye mask is going to keep the light out of your eyes, especially when someone down the row decides they want to open the window to see the sun rise.
- Ear plugs will help keep out the noise when sleeping. Its no fun to hear the guy next to you snoring or the child crying a few rows behind you.
- A small travel blanket is nice for that extra warmth during the flight. For extra comfort during sleep, roll the blanket into a ball next to your neck pillow. Amazon has cute travel scarves that can easily convert to a blanket.
- You cannot take filled water bottle through security, but you can take an empty water bottle! Most airports have water bottle filling stations next to the water fountains. If not, just find a water fountain as soon as you go through security.
- A water bottle luggage attachment on your roll-on bag is another great gadget. Using the attachment frees up your hands and can be easily removed just before the bags is stowed.
- Bring small bags of your favorite snacks. You never know when food will be available and if the flight attendants will have something to your liking.
- Whether you want to watch an inflight movie or if you want to hear your music headphones are a must. If your flight offers inflight movies, there is a place to plug them in by the screen or in the armrest.
- Don’t carry a purse or large bag for storing under the seat, make it a backpack. A purse or bag can only be carried on one shoulder making you off balance. It is much better to keep the weight more evenly distributed on your back.
- With Covid-19 and variants going around, hand sanitizers and disinfecting wipes should be packed and used often. Don’t forget to sanitize your armrest and seat tray with a wipe when you get on the flight.
- Although facemasks are not required on flights anymore, you want to keep a few handy in case you get stuck near a coughing passenger. You also never know if you are going to need one at your destination.
- When sitting on a flight for several hours, your blood flow will slow, and your feet even swell. Keep blood circulation flowing with compression Socks.
- A power converter with a USB plug is a must. Power plugs are different overseas, so you will need a converter wherever you go. Purchase one with the USB plug so you have the option to power up your phone or other electronic devices at the same time.
- A travel cord organizer is a great way to keep your cords in one place and not in a mess throughout your bag.
Overseas flights are very long and may be uncomfortable, even in first-class. Pack these 15 essential carry-ons for your next overseas travel adventures you will not only help time go by faster, but also help make you more comfortable.
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