Vasa Museum, The Warship that sank!

Vasa, the Warship that sank! Vasa Museum. Stockholm Vacation, Sweden Vacation

The Vasa Museum, located on the island of Djurgården. The Vasa warship, is displayed in a climate-controlled building. The building was constructed around the ship after it was salvaged in the 1960s. 

Vasa capsized and sank on its maiden voyage, August 19th, 1928! The warship remained on the sea floor, loaded with weapons and artifacts, for 333 years until it was found and salvaged.

The Vasa Warship

Vasa, the Warship that sank!
Vasa, the Warship that sank!

While in the museum, you get to see the ship in its entirety over 7 floors.  A downloadable guide in your preferred language is available. You can follow along and learn the detailed history of the Warship that sank, its maiden voyage, the aftermath of the sinking, and then the salvaging.  There is detailed information on how the ship was located, how it was brought to the surface while keeping its integrity, and the salvaging process. The guide goes into further detail about the building and further updates needed to preserve the Vasa Warship.

More Vasa Museum Artifacts

In addition to the ship, there are many artifacts and replicas displayed throughout the museum to give you an idea of what the colorful ship looked like on its maiden voyage. The museum also includes several exhibits on the construction of the ship including miniture replicas showing the phases of construction. The main levels exhibits show maps of warship placement and information about Swedish battles during that time period. On the lower level displays cases showcase the bones and skulls of bodies found on the warship along with information about them based on the bone test.

Museum Information

Entry to the museum is 190 SEK per adult, but free for children 18 and under.  The museum also has a restaurant that serves traditional Swedish dishes, as well as a museum gift shop. For more information and to pre-purchase tickets, go to Vasa Museum.

Next week’s Stockholm Museum Series will feature Prins Eugens Waldemarsudde or read about other Stockholm Museums.

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